THE BOOK FAMILY ROBINSON is still my most borrowed book from UK libraries

I’ve just received the July 2023 – June 2024 UK library loans figures for my books, courtesy of the Public Lending Right (PLR) scheme. My top 5 most borrowed books are the same 5 books as last year although the order has changed slighlty.
The Book Family Robinson, illustrated by Sam Caldwell, is still my most borrowed book from UK libraries. Last year’s number 2, How the Borks Became: An Adventure in Evolution, has dropped 2 places to number 4, with Cleopatra Bones and the Golden Chimpanzee, and A Spot of Bother each moving up one place to 2 and 3 respectively. The top 5 is rounded off with A Present for Rosy which stays at number 5.
A big THANK YOU to everyone that borrowed my books, the wonderful librarians that made them available and the UK PLR scheme for helping authors to earn a living.