Foreign Language Editions

A list of non-English language editions of my books

Language English Title Translated Title Translator Publisher Hardcover ISBN
Other Editions ISBN
ArabicThe Silver Serpent Cup رالي الحيوانات Alhudhud  Paperback
Argentinian SpanishThe Santa TrapUna Trampa para Papá NoelSilvia Graciela BalseiroMacmillan9789876721547 
Here Be Monsters Aquí Hay Monstruos  Editorial Unaluna9789871849109 
Prince RibbitPríncipe y Sapo  9789871849390 
Brazilian PortuguesePirate PussycatOs Gatinhos BrincalhõesPublifolha 9788579141652 
Tyrannosaurus RocksOs Dinossauros Sonhadores  9788564517066 
Someone BiggerA Pipa de Sam Giuliano Mazzeo Madeira Ciranda Cultural 9788538032298 
BulgarianChristmas StreetКОЛЕДА НА УЛИЦА "ЕЛХОВД" Fiut3800083837299
Canadian FrenchLeaf Trouble Feuilles en folie Hélène Rioux Les Éditions Scholastic 9781443103169 
CatalanBringing Down the Moon El talp i la lluna rebonica Antoni Cossimo Beascoa 8448813448 
10 Little Monsters 10 Monstres Juganers 9788448823757 
Ruby Flew Too! Hi havina una vegada un nui Lluïsa Moreno Llort Editorial Juventud 8426134319 
A Mouse Inside the Marmalade Qui Fa Soroll? Mercè Rial Baula 8447914682 
A Turtle in the Toilet Qui S’amaga?  8447914690 
Pigs Might Fly! Els tres porquets aviadors Montserrat Solé SerraElfos 9788484232186 
Tyrannosaurus Rocks Tiranosaure rei del rock Lluïsa Moreno Llort 9788484233688 
The Princess and the Pig La Princesa i la Porqueta Raquel Solà i Garcia Maeva 9788415532316 
Here Be Monsters Aquí Hi Ha Monstres Marta Armengol Royo 9788415893035 
Prince Ribbit El Princep Gripau Juan A. García 9788416690022 
Alphabet Street El carrer Major Anna Puente Estrella Polar 9788491375395 
Christmas StreetEl carrer Nadal9788418444531 
Number TrainTren dels Números!9788413897981 
The Book Family Robinson Els Robinson i la Biblioteca Pirata Edicions del Pirata9788417207915 
ChineseRuby Flew Too! 露比,飞起来了 卢芳 Beijing Yunaliu Classic Culture Ltd  Paperback
3 Book Set
This Way, Ruby! 快跟上,露比 
Go For It, Ruby! 行动,露比 
Bringing Down the Moon 小鼹鼠 摘月亮  陈科慧  Paperback
4 Book Set
No Place Like Home 小鼹鼠 找新家 
Diamond in the Snow 雪地里 的钻石 
The Best Gift of All 最好的 礼物 
I Love You Always and Forever 直爱你,永远爱你 暖房子 New Star Press 9787513303019 
The Silver Serpent Cup 疯狂的赛车 谢沐 Hebei 9787537683616 
The Clockwork Dragon发条大怪龙任溶溶审译 FLTRPPaperback
Scoop's Ups and Downs斯库普的小聪明孟莹莹English & Simplified Chinese Paperback
CzechAlphabet Street Ábécédé městečko Axiōma 9788072924264 
Christmas StreetVànoční městečko9788072924257 
DanishBringing Down the Moon Mulle og Månen Ilse M. Haugaard Sesam 8711134925 
Pigs Might Fly! Kan grise flyve? Mette Jørgensen Klematis 8779059252 
ALIENS: An Owner’s Guide Rumvæsner en Håndbog Trine Bech Flachs 9788762717909 
The Princess and the Pig Prinsessen og Grisen Anette Hellemann 9788762717404 
The Silver Serpent Cup De Seje Racerdyr:
Den Store Sølvsnog-Cup
Berit Sørenesen 9788762723337 
Cleopatra Bones and the Golden Chimpanzee Vovehalsen Vuffer og den Store Glydne Abe 9788762730168 
DutchBringing Down the Moon Ik wil de maan Annelies JornaVan Goor 9000034035 Board Book &
Mole Soft Toy
No Place Like Home Ik wil ergens anders wonen 9000034035
Diamond in the Snow Ik wil een diamant 9000037247
The Best Gift of All Ik wil iets heel moois geven 9789047505631
A Secret Worth Sharing Ik heb een geheim 9789047520917 
The Pig’s Knickers De broek van big 9789047515272 
Mole and Friends Omnibus Ik wil de maan en andre verhalen 9789000344956 
Ruby Flew Too! Het kleinste eendje Ineke Ris C. de VriesBrouwers 9053415076
ZOOM! ZOEF! We gaan op reisUitgeverij Hillen 9085760143
I Love You Always and Forever Voor eeuwig en altijd  Parragon 9781781864227 
The Clockwork DragonThe Clockwork Dragon
(English text with Dutch reader notes & translation glossary)
  Zwijsen 9789048729500 
Alphabet Street De winkelstraat  Gottmer 9789025769727 
Christmas StreetKerstmis in de straat 9789025775452 
A Present for Rosy Samen is alles leuker Ellen Hosmar Veltman Uitgevers 9789048318285 
FinnishBringing Down the Moon Myyrä Tahtoo Kuun Raija Viitanen Mäkelä 9518821658
No Place Like Home Oma koti kullan kallis 9518824495
I Love You Always and Forever Rakastan sinua aina 9789518826654
The Best Gift of All Myyrän paras lahja 9789518828481
The Pig’s Knickers Possun Pöksyt 9789518831566 
A Spot of Bother Possum pulma Raija Rintamäki 9789518836646 
The Treasure of Captain Claw Kapteeni Krokon Aarre 9789518831948 
A Secret Worth Sharing Myyrän suuri salaisuus 9789518832617 
The Clockwork Dragon Hurja Vieteri-Lohikäärme 9789518839630 
Pigs Might Fly! Possujen lentokisa Sinikka Sajama 9518825030
Rabbit’s Day Off Jaska Jänön vapaapäivä 9518825580
Danny Dreadnought Saves the World Henkka Huimapää pelastaa maailman Terhi Leskinen 9789518837476 
The Emperor’s New Clones Keisarin uudet kloonit 9789518838039 
The Silver Serpent Cup Pörröturkkien Ralli Katariina Kallio 9789518839647 
Cleopatra Bones and the Golden ChimpanzeeKleopatra Kuokkanen ja kultaisen apinan arvoitus 9789523411739 
I Love You Always and Forever Olet rakas aina ja ikuisesti Heli Venhola Kirjalito Board book
FrenchBringing Down the Moon Une Taupe au Clair de Lune Christophe Tranchant Gründ 2700048458Paperback
No Place Like Home une Taupe en plein Soliel Sophie Léger 2700050002
Diamond in the Snow une Taupe sous la Neige 2700015215
Ruby Flew Too! Il était une fois un nid 2700049756
The Best Gift of All une Taupe sous la Pluie Tania Capron 9782700022780
Number TrainLe Train des Animaux9782324035487
Dinosaurs After Dark La Nuit des Dinosaurs Mango 274041322X
10 Little Monsters 10 Petits Monstres Rouge et Or 9782261400799
The Santa Trap Une piége pur le Pére Noël  Éditions Mic-Mac 9782362211386 
The Princess and the Pig La Princesse et le Cochon Vincent Coigny Grenouille 9782366530179 
A Spot of Bother Une tache qui fȃche Corinne Boutry Circonflexe 9782878338058 
Alphabet Street Bienvenue à Jolieville  Marcel & Joachim 9791092304589 
Christmas StreetNoël à Jolieville  9782383070146 
FrisianBringing Down the Moon Mol wol de moanne ha Hermien van der Meer Afûk 9062736009 Board Book 9789493159617
No Place Like Home Mol wol ferhúzje 9062736440 
Diamond in the Snow Mol yn 'e snie 9062736696 
The Best Gift of All It aldermoaiste kado 9789062737710 
A Secret Worth Sharing Mol hat in geheim 9789062738694 
GaelicBringing Down the Moon A' Glusad na Gealaich Norma Nicleòid AcairPaperback
GermanBringing Down the MoonFang den Mond kleiner Molle
(See newer German edition below)
Matthias Mala arsEdition 3760713351
The Treasure of Captain Claw Der Schatz von Käpt'n Krok Kristin Leser 9783760768502 
Foxes in the SnowWenn die ersten Flocken fallenPia Jüngert 9783845848662Board Book
Ruby Flew Too! Gross werd ich von ganz allein Jantina Perkins Ravensburger Buchverlag 3473330604
I Love You Always and Forever Ich Hab Dich lieb:
Für immer und ewig
  Parragon 9781445427300
Bringing Down the MoonWas leuchtet in der Nacht? Peter Ahorner Annette Betz 9783219115475Board Book
No Place Like Home Zu Hause ist es am schönsten 9783219115147
Diamond in the SnowWas glitzert da im Schnee? 9783219114942Board Book
The Best Gift of AllDas schönste Geschenk der Welt 9783219115185Board Book
A Secret Worth Sharing Das allerschönste Geheimnis 9783219115143Audio CD
A Spot of Bother Oh Schreck, ein Fleck Christiane Lawall 9783219116359 
Alphabet Street Mein kleine Stadt  Coppenrath 9783649630128 
A Present for Rosy Ein Geschenk für Emma  Brunnen Verlag 9783765554698 
GreekBringing Down the Moon Θα κατεβάσω το φεγγάρι! Άννα Παπασταύρου Αίσωπος 9608240034 
No Place Like Home Το πιο όμορφο σπίτι του κόσμου 9608240166 
Pigs Might Fly!Πετάει πετάει το γουρουνάκι Φίλιππος Μανδηλαράς Εκδόσεις Πατάκη 9601614311 
Emergency Rescue!Επείγουσα διάσωση Άννα - Μαρία ΖάπρηΆγκυρα 9789604226528 
The Santa Trap Μια παγίδα για τον Άγιο Βασίλη Αριάδνη Μοσχονά Μεταίχμιο 9789604559954 
Christmas StreetΟδος ΧριστουγεννωνΡάνια Μπουμπουρή ΨΥΧΟΓΙΟΣ9786180144062 
HebrewBringing Down the Moonלהוריד את הירח אירית ארב Kinneret 9655172139 
No Place Like Homeאין כמו בבית  
Diamond in the Snow יהלום בשלג  
The Best Gift of All המתנה הכי טובה בעולם 9789655175387 
Go For It, Ruby! רובי, תקפצי למים! 9789655176155 
Leaf Trouble עץ בצרה 9789655177718 
The Princess and the Pig בת המלך והנסיכה   
I Love You Always and Forever אוהב אותך תמיד ולנצח אירית ארב Ma'ariv
HungarianBringing Down the Moon Ide nekem a Holdat! Parnaki Ágnes Naphegy Kiadó 9789638728128 
Diamond in the Snow Téli varázslat 9789638728142 
The Best Gift of All A legszebb ajándék 9789639869011 
Christmas StreetKarácsony utcaSzlukovényi KatalinMóra 9789636030414 
Number TrainSZÁMVONATBABILON 9789632948287 
IndonesianRuby Flew Too! Ruby Bisa Terbang Rien Chaerani little KPaperback
IrishNo Place Like Home Mo Bhaile beag Féin Gabriel Rosenstock An Gum 1857915291 
ItalianCreature Colours Animali a colori Ape 8888883622
Pigs Might Fly! Porcellini in volo Marinella Barigazzi 8888883851
Alphabet Street Su e giù per la città 9788893093668 
Dig It, Build It! Al Cantiere Arlette Remondi Emme Edizioni 8879279467
Emergency Rescue! Chiamate Tom e Max! Ermanno Brunettin 9788860792112
Bringing Down the Moon Voglio prendere la luna! Marinella Barigazzi Nord-SudHardback & DVD
How the Borks Became: An Adventure in Evolution Perché noi Boffi Siamo Così Lucia Feoli Editoriale Scienza 9788873079439 
Christmas StreetVia del Natale nº25 Valentina Edizioni 9791280891341 
Number TrainIl trenino dei numeri 9791280891730 
JapaneseBringing Down the Moon ぼく、おつきさまがほしいんだ おびか ゆうこ Tokuma Shoten

Diamond in the Snow ぼく、ふゆのきらきらをみつけたよ 9784198622480 (4198622485)
ZOOM! しゅっぱーつ! のせ まきこ Dai Nippon 4499281229
Creature Colours どうぶついろあそびきたむら まさお 449928113X
Safari Shapes どうぶつかたちあそび 4499281148
A Turtle in the Toilet ぼくのいえにだれかいる 9784499281386
Tyrannosaurus Rocks ゆめみるきょうりゅう みずしま あさこ 9784499284059 
Christmas StreetたのしいクリスマスどおりBL Publishing9784776410522 
KoreanBringing Down the Moon 달따고 싶어 Moonjin 8972608211 
No Place Like Home 우리 집이 제일 좋아 8953903009 
Diamond in the Snow 눈 속의 다이아몬드 Kyowon9788921442802 9788921001184 
Ruby Flew Too! 때가 되면 너도 날수 있단다 Jakkajungsin 8972888419 
ZOOM! 붕부웅 MunhakDongne 8982818022 
10 Little Monsters 10 리틀 몬스터 Applebee 8957914447 
Creature Colours 사자가 어흥 Samsung 8915058720 
Leaf Trouble 가랑잎 대소동  Prooni 9788961702461 
Callum’s Incredible Construction Kit 뭐든지 만들 수 있는
앤디의 장난감 블록
  Kids-M 9788967490348 
Someone BiggerSomeone Bigger
(English/Korean Interactive Edition)
  Yundubi Saypen Wisebook
Interactive Edition
How the Borks Became: An Adventure in Evolution갈라파 행성에서 만난 살아나마스의 진화안민희 역 Hanulimkids 9791187517832
Christmas Street모두모두 신나는 크리스마스 Safari9791169519113
LuxembourgishAlphabet Street Enf Strooss, déi lieft! Luc Marteling Kremart 9789995939939 
NorwegianThe Princess and the Pig Prinsessen og Grisen Morten Olsen Haugen Embla Forlag 9788292577851 
PolishBringing Down the Moon Jak ztapac ksiezyc Katarzyna Domanska Egmont 8323788928 
No Place Like Home Nie ma jak w domu 8323788936 
PortugesePirate Pussycat Cinco Gatinhos Ronronantes Booksmile 97898-8260543 
The Princess and the Pig A Princesa ea Porquinha Maria Alexandra Furtado da Cruz Livros Horizonte 9789722417105 
If We Had a SailboatSe Tivéssemos Um Barco à Vela Susana Paulino Civilizacao Editora 9789722635509 
Bringing Down the Moon Eu Quero a Lua  Presença 9789722358842 
Alphabet Street Uma rua muito movimentada  Edicare 9789896796426 
RussianI Love You Always and Forever Люблю тебя всегда и навсегда Нешко С. И. Mikko Paperback
Sami (Lapp)The Princess and the Pig Prinsessa jih Snurke Sissel Jåma Gïelem nastedh 9788293402039 
Foxes in the Snow Reapetjh jih Lopme Bierna Leine Bientie 9788293402114 
SerbianNo Place Like Home Kod kuće je najlepše Olja EgićBeli Put 8685489083 
Diamond in the Snow Драгуљ у снегу  Весна Смиљанић  8685489474
Christmas StreetNovogodišnja UlicaVulkan9788610041934
SlovakChristmas StreetVianočná uličkaMária Lachkovičavá Slova Press9788097450601 
SlovenianBringing Down the Moon Kako je Krtek Klatil Luno Metka Bartol Ucila 9612333769 
No Place Like Home Doma je Najlepse 9612339120 
Diamond in the Snow Diamant v Snegu 9616588508 
The Best Gift of All Najlepse Darilo 9789610004165 
This Way, Ruby! Pridi Sem, Rubi! Darinka Koderman Patacko 9616588427 
SpanishBringing Down the Moon Bajar la luna del cielo Mireia Ibáñez Beascoa 844881343X 
10 Little Monsters 10 Monstruos Traviesos 9788448823740 
Ruby Flew Too! Erase una vez un nido Élodie Bourgois y Teresa Farran Editorial Juventud 8426134300 
ZOOM! ¡ZOOM! Ediciones SM 8484841487 
Dig It, Build It! Gato y Perro en las obras Teresa Tellechea 8467510587 
A Mouse Inside the Marmalade ¿Quién puede hacer ruido? P. Rozarina Edelvives 8426359469 
A Turtle in the Toilet ¿Quién se puede esconder? #rowspan# 8426359450 
Pigs Might Fly! Los tres cerditos aviadores Remedios Diéguez DiéguezElfos 9788484232483 
Tyrannosaurus Rocks Tiranosaurio rey del rock 9788484233671 
The Princess and the Pig La Princesa y la Cerdita Rocio de Isasa Maeva 9788415532033 
Here Be Monsters Aquí Hay Monstruos 9788415893028 
Prince Ribbit El Principe Rana 9788416690015 
Alphabet Street La calle Mayor Mariona Barrera Editorial Planeta 9788408187134 
Christmas StreetLa calle Navidad9788408243090 
Number TrainTren de los Numeros9788408285908 
The Book Family Robinson Los Robinson y la Biblioteca Pirata Editorial el Pirata9788418664939 
SwedishBringing Down the Moon Mullvaden och Månen Ulrika Berg Sjöstrands Förlag 9175745291 
No Place Like Home Hemma Bäst 9175746093 
Diamond in the Snow Diamanten i snon 9175746425 
Fox’s New Coat Rävens nya kappa AnnaLena Wästberg Eldmor 9188262626 
ZOOM! VROOM! Rebus 9173392839 
Danny Dreadnought Saves the World Danny räddar världen Helena Olsson Argasso 9789188577610 
Number TrainSIFFERTÄGETMargot Henrikson Ordalaget9789174696103 
TaiwaneseI Love You Always and Forever 我永遠永遠愛你 Shang-Ren Publishing Co. 9789862120606
TurkishIf We Had a Sailboat Bir Yelkenlimiz Olsayda Ash Candas Formul Yayinlari 9786054131273 
Captain Comet and the Purple PlanetKaptan Kuyrukluyıldızve Mor Gezegen Çiğdem Kiwi Marti Yayin Grubu Paperback
Captain Comet and the Dog StarKaptan Kuyrukluyıldızve Köpek Yıldızı Paperback
Doohickey and the Robot Doohickey ve Robot Çiğdem Köfüncü Paperback
The Book Family RobinsonKitaplar ForaZeynep SevdeTaze Kitap9786259447926
WelshDoohickey and the Robot Bechingalw a'r robot Juli PaschalisGwasg Addysgol DrakePaperback
Someone Bigger Arhoswch i Fi! Sioned Lleinau GomerPaperback
If We Had a SailboatBeth am Fynd i Hwylio
(Welsh/English Bilingual Edition)