December is here, which usually means that some schools will be sharing The Santa Trap with their students.

The book, written by me and illustrated by Poly Bernatene, is a cautionary tale about the dastardly exploits of Bradley Bartleby, a villainous boy who tries to ambush Santa Claus so that he can steal ALL the presents on Santa’s sleigh.

Although Bradley is clearly a terrible role model for young readers, his antics have provided many schools with inspiration for a wide range of classroom activities that they’ve shared on Twitter including writing …

instructions, …

poems, …

wanted posters, …

elf reports …

and word banks.

The book has also provided a prompt for studying mechanical science, …

designing traps …

and building them from recycled materials, …

Lego, …

Fiddle Sticks …

and even sweets!


I have virtually visited some of the schools that have studied the book.

And their classroom activities have attracted the attention of Bradley Bartelby, who is always on the lookout for ideas to steal, …

assistants to kidnap, …

and schoolwork to ‘correct’ …

or scoff at!

Some schools have even tried to trap Bradley.

Abbeymead Primary set up Bradely traps in their playground and barricaded the school gate to prevent him getting in.

You can see more tweets form The Siege of Abbeymead in this Twitter thread.

I’m delighted that the book has inspired so much creativity, so if you are using The Santa Trap in your school this December, do let me know!

You can find all these and more tweets from schools and Bradley in this Twitter collection

And you can download lesson plans for The Santa Trap, created by Herts for Learning here.

I’m delighted that the book has inspired so much creativity, so if you are using The Santa Trap in your school this December, do let me know!

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